These terms and conditions, herein referred to as the “Tutor Terms” set out the terms and conditions under which GCSE Teachers is a trading name of Readers and Writers Limited , a company registered in England and Wales (No.12779841) with a registered office at: Suite 12, Neals Corner, Hounslow TW3 3HJ, herein referred to as “GCSE Teachers” or “We” grants to the Tutor, a licence to access and use GCSE Teachers’ virtual online platform at www.GCSE (the “Site”) which is dedicated to facilitating the delivery of Your Tutoring Services direct to Your Clients (the “Agreement”). You may download a copy of these Tutor Terms here: GCSE Teachers and GCSE are the trading names of GCSE Teachers.

In these Tutor Terms, references to “Tutor” and “You” and “Your” are references to the Tutor registered on the Site who wishes to use the GCSE Teachers Services in order to provide Tutoring Services. When You use the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services, You agree that these Tutor Terms apply to that use in addition to any other terms and conditions which may apply including the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy and the Terms of Service (where applicable) which are incorporated by this reference. If You are uncertain as to Your rights under these Tutor Terms or You want any explanation about them please contact us.


1.1 These Tutor Terms apply to Your use of the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services.

By using the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services, You accept these Tutor Terms in full. GCSE Teachers reserves the right to change the terms of these Tutor Terms (or any part) at any time, by giving You not less than 15 days’ written notice of such changes. We will let you know if we make any such changes, and you can let us know within the 15 day notice period if you do not wish to accept the revised terms and prefer to end this Agreement with GCSE Teachers. If you continue to provide Tutoring Services through the Site during this notice period, we are entitled to assume that you have accepted any changes.

By using the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services, You accept these Tutor Terms in full. GCSE Teachers reserves the right to change the terms of these Tutor Terms (or any part) at any time, by giving You not less than 15 days’ written notice of such changes. We will let you know if we make any such changes, and you can let us know within the 15 day notice period if you do not wish to accept the revised terms and prefer to end this Agreement with GCSE Teachers. If you continue to provide Tutoring Services through the Site during this notice period, we are entitled to assume that you have accepted any changes.

If You disagree with any part of the Tutor Terms, do not use the Site or the GCSE Teachers Services.

If You disagree with any part of the Tutor Terms, do not use the Site or the My Teachers Services.


2.1Unless the contrary intention appears, the following definitions shall apply:

  • Account means the secure account(s) created by You on sign up which holds Your personal information and profile and from where You can access the GCSE Teachers Services via Your GCSE Teachers Login.
  • Client means a person using the GCSE Teachers Site for the provision of Tutoring Services, whether that be the Student or (if under eighteen (18)), the Student’s Sponsor.
  • Client Contract means the contract between the Client and You.
  • Client Ratings means the ratings left by a Client on the Site in response to the performance of the Tutoring Services by a Tutor which is scored on a 1-5 star rating (1 being poor; 5 being outstanding).Confidential Information means any information which is imparted or obtained under this Agreement by GCSE Teachers to You on, before or after the commencement in confidence (whether in writing, verbally or by other means and whether directly or indirectly) or is of a confidential nature, relating to the business or prospective business, current or projected plans or internal affairs of GCSE Teachers including, but not limited to information pertaining to Clients, logging in, Client Ratings or other feedback, GCSE Teachers correspondence and any other commercial, financial or technical information or other information relating to the business or prospective business of GCSE Teachers which might reasonably be considered to be confidential in nature.
  • Current Account means Your bank account which will accept payments by BACS.
  • Data Protection Legislation the Data Protection Act 2018, the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, the Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000/2699), the Electronic Communications Data Protection Directive (2002/58/EC), the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (SI 2426/2003) and all applicable laws and regulations relating to the processing of personal data and privacy, including where applicable the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner.
  • Dispute means any dissatisfaction expressed by a Client or any complaint made by a Client or any other dispute or potential dispute or claim of a Client in connection with the provision of the Tutoring Services rendered by You (or the provision of the GCSE Teachers Services which is communicated to You).
  • Intellectual Property Rights patents, rights to inventions, copyright and related rights, trade marks, trade names, domain names, rights in get-up, rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competition rights, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, topography rights, moral rights, rights in confidential information (including without limitation know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications for and renewals or extensions of such rights, and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.
  • Losses means any claims, losses, demands, actions, third party claims, damages, costs (including court costs and legal fees), fines, liabilities, obligations, liens and expenses.
  • Losses means any claims, losses, demands, actions, third party claims, damages, costs (including court costs and legal fees), fines, liabilities, obligations, liens and expenses.
  • GCSE Teachers Login refers to Your unique username and password.
  • GCSE Teachers Payments the amounts retained by GCSE Teachers from the GCSE Teachers Credit(s) in consideration for the provision of the GCSE Teachers Services to Tutor.
    1. 1. GCSE Teachers provides an online intermediation service for Clients to contact Tutors, and provides technical functionality to You for Your deliver Tutoring Services to Clients; and
    2. 2. a database of Tutors, Students, back office support including customer services, billing, website and IT services including the use of the virtual lesson space.
  • PoCA List refers to the Protection of Children Act.
  • PoVA List and List 99 refers to the Protection of Vulnerable Adults scheme.
  • Recordings refer to the recording of any Tutorial or Instant Help Session which can be viewed for up to one (1) month thereafter.
  • Refund Event means where any event where a refund of GCSE Teachers Credits is issued to the Client by the Tutor. Once a Tutorial has occurred with both the Tutor and the Student present then the Tutor has sole discretion on whether to issue a refund to the Client in accordance with the terms of your agreement with the Client.
  • Site means a website owned and managed by GCSE Teachers including www.GCSE
  • Sponsor means the party entering into the Client Contract for Tutoring Services on behalf of the Student (being either Parent/ Guardian/ Carer or other person if the Student is aged under 18), or, if the Student is aged 18 or over, the Sponsor and the Student may be the same person.
  • Student means a person receiving the Tutoring Services from You via the Site.
  • Tools means the minimum requirements for You to be able to deliver Your Tutoring Services using the Site including the use of a computer, recommended browser, webcam, a broadband internet connection (with sufficient bandwidth), a sound card and a headset and microphone.
  • Tutor or You means a tutor who has been allowed access to the Site and GCSE Teachers Services to carry out the Tutoring Services to Clients.
  • Tutor Bank Account means the bank account where GCSE Teachers Credits are held on behalf of the Tutor prior to the completion of the lesson or Instant Help Session and GCSE Teachers transferring the Tutor Fees to Tutors.
  • Tutor Fees means that amounts GCSE Teachers shall transfer to Tutors from the GCSE Teachers Credits after deducting the GCSE Teachers Payments.
  • Tutorial(s) refers to the online pre-booked tutoring session which is booked by a Client with You via the Site.
  • Query means the internal email system available for Clients to contact Tutors and vice versa via the Site.
  • Tutoring Services means the provision of online Tutorials and Meet the Tutor Sessions by the Tutor by way of individual lessons in real-time suitably tailored to meet the individual requirements of the Students.
  • CONTENT means user generated content provided (including Materials as defined), uploaded, embedded or otherwise displayed and/ or stored on the Site by the Tutor for the purposes of carrying out the Tutoring Services which may include but are not limited to, Your profile, text, articles, images, graphics, photos, stories, audio, video, software, audio-visual combinations, interactive features and other materials in any form, medium or technology now known or hereinafter developed that may be viewed on, accessed through or disseminated publicly on, the Site for Your use and for use by GCSE Teachers and a Client.
  • VAT means value added tax chargeable under English law for the time being and any similar additional tax.
  • Written Notice means any notice given under this Agreement shall be sent by email, in the case of GCSE Teachers to support@GCSE and in the case of a Client, to the e mail address you register in your Account.


3.1 At our discretion, we may authorise you to use the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services to deliver the Tutoring Services.

You agree that these Tutor Terms apply to that use in full.

3.2 You will keep Your password relevant to the Site and the Tutoring Services confidential and not reveal it to anyone else.

You are responsible for all activities that are carried out under Your username and password which shall represent Your GCSE Teachers Login. We do not have the means to check the identities of all people using the Site and will not be liable where Your username and/or password are used by someone else. You agree to notify GCSE Teachers immediately by email at info@GCSE of any unauthorised use of Your Account of which You become aware (with “IMPORTANT – PASSWORD” in the subject line).

3.3 Where terminated, GCSE Teachers shall deactivate Your GCSE Teachers Login and Account promptly.

GCSE Teachers reserves the right to terminate the GCSE Teachers Services and access to the Site after a one (1) month long continuous period of inactivity by You, which means that You will no longer be permitted to use the Site to deliver Tutoring Services to Clients. You will not be permitted to re-access the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services without GCSE Teachers’ express written permission.


4.1 When You make use of the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services You must comply with our reasonable directions, including those relating to the protection of Students’ safety as amended from time to time and in accordance with these Tutor Terms.

Such directions are in place to protect the safety Clients and Students.

4.2 Use of the Site is entirely at Your own risk and You must exercise complete caution at all times when dealing with Clients and when entering into legally enforceable Client Contracts to provide Tutoring Services to a Client.

4.3 You further and specifically agree to:

4.3.1 authorise GCSE Teachers to act as your agent to agree the Client Contract on your behalf and collect GCSE Teachers Credits and/or Tutor Fees;

4.3.2 provide GCSE Teachers with Your Current Account details which must be a UK current account and held in the Tutor’s name;

4.3.3 assume all responsibility for Your role as Tutor and for the provision of Tutoring Services to the Client which includes the preparation and content of lessons;

4.3.4 advise GCSE Teachers at the earliest opportunity should Your circumstances change in relation to Your access to the Tools.

You accept full responsibility for any dispute raised by a Sponsor as a result of issues connected to the performance of your Tools which have affected the performance of Your provision of the Tutoring Service;

4.3.5 obtain, use and maintain in good working order Your Tools.

Any problem concerning a technical issue regarding a Tutor’s personal computer or internet service provider is not the responsibility of GCSE Teachers. You must use a headset and microphone (not loudspeakers) which must be plugged in and fully configured;

4.3.6 act at all times in accordance with the highest professional standards and not act in any way which could bring GCSE Teachers into disrepute;

4.3.7 only accept instructions and Tutorials within Your area of expertise, and that are within your abilities and competency;

4.3.7 only accept instructions and Tutorials within Your area of expertise, and that are within your abilities and competency;

Depending on the circumstances, GCSE Teachers and Tutor shall discuss in good faith a possible delay of the Tutoring Services;

4.3.9 notify GCSE Teachers of what You propose to agree between You and the Client regarding the delay or reassignment of those Tutoring Services to another Tutor.

We may take any action, including refunding GCSE Teachers Credits depending on what is agreed regarding each Tutorial;

4.3.10 ensure that any information provided by You to GCSE Teachers and a Client remains true, accurate, up-to-date and complete at all times during the duration of this Agreement.


5.1 In consideration of the GCSE Teachers Payments, GCSE Teachers agrees to:

5.1.1 subject to clause 5.2, provide the GCSE Teachers Services with all due care, skill and ability and in a timely manner and in the best interests of the Client and the Tutor;

5.1.2 devote as much time to the provision of the GCSE Teachers Services as may be necessary for their proper performance;

5.1.3 provide promptly and give to the Tutor all such information as they may reasonably require in connection with the provision of the GCSE Teachers Services.

5.2 As an online service, GCSE Teachers may periodically be unavailable as We perform regular (and emergency) maintenance and upgrades.

Where reasonably possible, these activities shall be notified to You in advance. GCSE Teachers makes no warranty, guarantee or representation as to, and accepts no liability for, the availability or suitability of the Site and/or the GCSE Teachers Services.

5.3 You are responsible for checking the Tools work with the Site and GCSE Teachers Services, and the particular Client during the free meeting, and for fixing any problems with the Tools where necessary.

5.4 In exceptional cases, there may be other reasons relating to incompatibility or otherwise as to why You may be unable to successfully access the Services.

5.5 GCSE Teachers uses all reasonable endeavours to make the GCSE Teachers Services and Site available to all Tutors on an “as is” basis.

5.6 GCSE Teachers shall not be responsible nor liable to You as a result of any act or omission on Your part relating to Your inability to access the Services in whole or in part including but not limited to:

5.6.1 resultant feedback (echos), audio break-ups, video or sound delays;

5.6.2 Your failure to use and configure the prescribed headset and microphone;

5.6.3 Your failure to at least meet the minimum system requirements of the Tools.

5.7 You acknowledge and accept that from time to time You may experience entire or partial failure of Your video during the delivery of the Tutoring Services due to fluctuations or insufficient bandwidth relating to your own internet provider, and under such circumstances, You agree that the Tutoring Service shall continue without video and confirm that this is acceptable to You in all circumstances.


6.1 1 GCSE Teachers and the Tutor will agree the amount of Tutor Fees applicable per Tutorial in advance, via the Site, and the amount of GCSE Teachers Payments which will be retained by GCSE Teachers against GCSE Teachers Credits purchased by Clients.

6.2 Tutor authorises GCSE Teachers as its agents to accept any forms of payment approved by GCSE Teachers in connection with the provision of the Tutoring Services via the Site including Mastercard, Visa and Maestro debit cards on the Tutor’s behalf.

6.3 GCSE Teachers holds all Tutor Fees (which will be based on the number of undisputed and completed Tutoring Services) for the Tutor in a dedicated Tutor Bank Account for a limited time and is entitled to retain the full amount of GCSE Teachers Payments it charges to Tutor in consideration for the GCSE Teachers Services provided prior to releasing the Tutor Fees to Tutor.

6.4 All costs relating to lessons and GCSE Teachers Payments are reviewable by tutors and GCSE Teachers and any revised fees and charges shall take effect immediately upon posting on the Site and will be applicable to all bookings made after such posting.

6.5 You confirm that You are self-employed under these Tutor Terms, and You are directly responsible to HMRC for all matters regarding Income Tax, VAT and relevant National Insurance contributions.

You agree that nothing in these Tutor Terms constitutes a contract of employment between You and GCSE Teachers. You shall be fully responsible for and indemnify GCSE Teachers against any liability, assessment or claim for any employment-related claim or any claim based on worker status brought by you relating to Your Tutoring Services. This indemnity shall include all expenses and costs, including legal fees, incurred by GCSE Teachers in dealing with any such claim brought by You or by somebody on Your behalf.

6.6 You will keep records of payments made to You by way of Tutor Fees for completion of annual Tax Returns.

You hereby agree to fully indemnify GCSE Teachers for or against all and any demands by HMRC to GCSE Teachers for Income Tax, VAT or National Insurance, or any other claim by HMRC, including any interest or penalties, arising out of Your failure to account properly or at all for any liabilities to HRMC arising from Your Tutoring Services. This indemnity shall include all expenses and costs, including legal fees, incurred by GCSE Teachers in dealing with any such claim by HMRC.


7.1 GCSE Teachers shall pay to Tutor the Tutor Fees collected by GCSE Teachers.

We shall provide a self- remittance invoice to You for Tutoring Services every two weeks setting out the hours that you have worked for us, as recorded by You, during the preceding month. The invoice amount(deducting transaction fees) will be paid in your bank account.

7.2 In response to a Dispute, if any Refund Event occurs, GCSE Teachers will be entitled, in its sole discretion to refund GCSE Teachers Credits to the Client on behalf of the Tutor in full or in part.

In such circumstances, the Tutor will receive either no Tutor Fees or only part of the Tutor Fees as agreed by GCSE Teachers and the Client, in respect of the relevant Tutorial.

7.3 If any Refund Event occurs subsequent to the Tutor receiving the Tutor Fees from GCSE Teachers, GCSE Teachers shall be entitled to withhold sufficient money and offset any amounts payable to Tutor by GCSE Teachers under this Agreement from any Tutor Fees collected by GCSE Teachers thereafter to enable GCSE Teachers to refund the relevant refunded Tutor Fees.

7.4 The Tutor shall be responsible for all chargebacks and/or refund requests on lessons performed and shall indemnify GCSE Teachers against all Losses resulting from chargebacks and/or refund requests.

7.5 Tutor authorises GCSE Teachers to self-bill for all the GCSE Teachers Services.

7.6 GCSE Teachers shall be entitled to make any settlement payment to Tutor by BACS, to the Current Account of the Tutor (or to such other bank account as the parties agree in writing).

7.7 If either party fails to make any payment due (and undisputed) under this Agreement within ten (10) days post the due date for payment, the other shall be entitled to charge interest on the overdue sum for the period from and including the due date of payment up to the actual date of payment (after as well as before judgment) at the rate of 2% (two per cent) above the base rate per annum from time to time of Barclays Bank plc.

7.8 For the avoidance of doubt, Tutor Fees shall not be affected where GCSE Teachers has provided a Client with Additional GCSE Teachers Credits to redeem against Tutoring Services and the Client redeems such Additional GCSE Teachers Credits.


8.1 When using the GCSE Teachers Services to deliver the Tutoring Services, if You publish any CONTENT via the Site by way of e.g. delivering lessons, uploading text or images or videos or contributing to publicly accessible areas of the Site, You automatically grant:

8.1.1 to GCSE Teachers, a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable license (with right to sub-license) to use, record, publish, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform all that CONTENT, or any part of it, and the Intellectual Property Rights therein, in connection with the provision of the GCSE Teachers Services, including without limitation the reproduction and sale of the CONTENT, or any part of it, and products incorporating the same for use by any person anywhere in the world including promoting and redistributing part or all of the Services (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels;

8.1.2 to each user of the Services whether registered as a Tutor or Client or not, a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to access Your CONTENT through the Services, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform such CONTENT to the extent permitted by the functionality of the Services and under the terms of this Agreement.

8.2 “Publicly accessible” areas of the Site are intended by GCSE Teachers to be those parts of the Site that are available to all of those visiting the Site whether registered on the Site or not.

You acknowledge that the content uploaded by You to create Your Tutor profile shall be viewable by all users of the Site and be accessible via the worldwide web search engines.

8.3 You acknowledge that all Tutorials that You deliver may be recorded and You agree to the storage and use of such Recordings by GCSE Teachers

You hereby agree to waive any and all moral rights in and to all CONTENT.

8.4 You agree that any CONTENT You use in the performance of Your Tutoring Services will not contain any third party copyright material, or material that is subject to other third party proprietary rights (including rights of privacy or rights of publicity), unless You have a formal agreement or permission from the rightful owner, or are otherwise legally entitled to use the CONTENT in question and to grant the licenses referred to in clause 8.1.1 and 8.1.2.

8.5 All Intellectual Property Rights in all Materials produced by You pursuant to using the Services shall be Your property.

For the avoidance of doubt, this clause shall not cover any content communicated, posted or otherwise transmitted to the Site by any third party, including without limitation any material, communication, information or ideas so communicated, posted or otherwise transmitted by any Students or Tutors.

8.6 You shall indemnify GCSE Teachers against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal costs (calculated on a full indemnity basis) and all other professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by GCSE Teachers arising out of or in connection with any claim made against GCSE Teachers for actual or alleged infringement of a third party’s intellectual property rights arising out of or in connection with an claim by any third party including a Client that the Tutoring Services or CONTENT provided by You infringe its rights.

8.7 If any third party makes a claim, or notifies an intention to make a claim, against GCSE Teachers which may reasonably be considered likely to give rise to a liability under this indemnity (a Claim), GCSE Teachers shall:

8.7.1 as soon as reasonably practicable, give written notice of the Claim to You, specifying the nature of the Claim in reasonable detail;

8.7.2 not make any admission of liability, agreement or compromise in relation to the Claim without the prior written consent of You (such consent not to be unreasonably conditioned, withheld or delayed) , provided that GCSE Teachers may settle the Claim (after giving prior written notice of the terms of settlement (to the extent legally possible) to You, but without obtaining Your consent) if GCSE Teachers reasonably believes that failure to settle the Claim would be prejudicial to it in any material respect;

8.7.3 give You and Your professional advisers access at reasonable times (on reasonable prior notice) to its premises and its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives or advisers, and to any relevant assets, accounts, documents and records within the power or control of GCSE Teachers, so as to enable You and Your professional advisers to examine them and to take copies (at Your expense) for the purpose of assessing the Claim; and

8.7.4 You shall give GCSE Teachers sole authority to avoid, dispute, compromise or defend the Claim.

8.8 If a payment due from You under this clause is subject to tax (whether by way of direct assessment or withholding at its source), GCSE Teachers shall be entitled to receive from You such amounts as shall ensure that the net receipt, after tax, to GCSE Teachers in respect of the payment is the same as it would have been were the payment not subject to tax.

8.9 The Intellectual Property Rights contained on the Site or in the GCSE Teachers Services cannot be used, modified, copied, distributed, adapted, altered, or in any way dealt with, without GCSE Teachers’ written permission.

8.10 You acknowledge that all Intellectual Property Rights in and relating to GCSE Teachers Services and the Site are owned by GCSE Teachers or GCSE Teachers’s Licensors.


9.1 Where the You and the Client agree to cancel the Tutoring Services pursuant to the Client Contract, GCSE Teachers shall repay the GCSE Teachers Credits to the Client as agreed in the Client Contract.

9.2 If You don’t attend an arranged lesson without having cancelled it, or if you repeatedly cancel Tutorials, We may end this Agreement between You and GCSE Teachers under clause 13.

GCSE Teachers will record details of all such cancellations by You on its records for a period of twelve (12) months.

9.3 All cancellations by You must be made in writing in advance, directly via the Site and to the Client, in accordance with the Client Contract.


10.1 It is a feature of the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services that the Client will leave Client Ratings.

10.2 Where deemed necessary, GCSE Teachers is entitled to carry out an investigation upon receipt of negative Client Ratings (rating of 1, 2 or 3 out of 5) or where a Tutor or a Client reports or raises any feedback, issues or concerns that they might have with the other at any time.

10.3 Whether such feedback is complimentary or more akin to a Dispute, GCSE Teachers will have full discretion as to whether they inform the other of such feedback.

Where deemed necessary, GCSE Teachers is entitled to carry out an investigation upon receipt of such feedback or comments and in exceptional cases, GCSE Teachers is entitled to suspend or terminate Your Account or revoke the licence granted to the Tutor herein to use the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services by termination under clause 13.

10.4 in this Agreement shall prevent the Tutor from being engaged, concerned or from having any financial interest in any capacity in any other business, trade, profession or occupation during the Term of Engagement provided that such activity does not cause a breach of any of the Tutor’s obligations under this Agreement.


11.1 In respect of any Personal Data as defined in the Data Protection Legislation processed by GCSE Teachers and Tutor pursuant to these Tutor Terms, both parties warrant that they shall comply and will continue to comply with the Data Protection Legislation and any regulations made thereunder.

11.2 GCSE Teachers’ Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy apply to Your use of the GCSE Teachers Services.

11.3 Use of the Site is entirely at a Tutor’s own risk and You must exercise complete caution at all times when dealing with Clients and when entering into legally enforceable Contracts to provide Tutoring Services to a Client.


12.1 The parties acknowledge that by reason of their relationship under this Agreement, they may from time to time disclose Confidential Information.

12.2 Each party shall, during the term of this Agreement and thereafter, keep confidential, and shall not use for its own purposes (other than implementation of this Agreement) nor without the prior written consent of the other disclose to any third party (except its professional advisors or as may be required by any law or any legal or regulatory authority) any Confidential Information which may become known to such party from the other party and which relates to the other party, unless that information is public knowledge or already known to such party at the time of disclosure, or subsequently becomes public knowledge other than by breach of this Agreement, or subsequently comes lawfully into the possession of such party from a third party.

Each party shall use its best endeavours to prevent the unauthorised disclosure of any such information

12.3 Confidential Information shall not include information that (i) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of the breach of the confidentiality obligations in this Agreement by the receiving party, (ii) is or has been independently acquired or developed by the receiving party without violating any of the confidentiality obligations in this Agreement, (iii) was within the receiving party’s possession prior to it being furnished to the receiving party by or on behalf of the disclosing party, or (iv) is received from a source other than the disclosing party; provided that, in the case of (iii) and (iv) above, the source of such information was not known by the receiving party to be bound by a confidentiality obligation to the disclosing party or any other party with respect to such information.

12.4 The terms of this Agreement are confidential and may not be disclosed by one party without the prior written consent of the other party.

12.5 On termination or expiry of this Agreement, You shall immediately return all Confidential Information in Your possession together with all copies thereof; or, if required to do so, destroy all Confidential Information in Your possession, custody or control by shredding or incinerating the same and/or irretrievably deleting the same if stored on electronic or magnetic media and certify to GCSE Teachers that this has been done.


13.1 These Tutor Terms shall commence on the date you sign up to the Site and shall continue unless terminated by GCSE Teachers pursuant to clause 13.2.

13.2 GCSE Teachers may suspend this Agreement and Your access to the Site and the GCSE Teachers Services immediately by serving written notice on or if:

13.2.1 any information provided by You is found to be untrue, inaccurate, out-of-date, or incomplete;

13.2.2 Your rating by Clients is deemed by GCSE Teachers (acting reasonably) to be unsatisfactory;

13.2.3 You act in any way that has brought, or could bring, GCSE Teachers in to disrepute;

13.2.4 You are convicted of a criminal offence or are the subject of any investigation, which may in GCSE Teachers’ opinion impact Student safety;

13.2.5 You are in material breach of this Agreement;

13.2.6 You do not use the Site or GCSE Teachers Service for a one (1) month long continuous period of inactivity.

13.3 If we suspend Your use of the Site under clause 13.2 above, we will include in our notice of suspension to you the full details of the reason for such suspension in writing.

You may contact us to discuss any of the issues raised in such notice by the methods set out on the Site.

13.4 Without prejudice to clauses 13.2 or 13.3 GCSE Teachers may terminate this Agreement by giving You 30 days written notice if:

13.4.1 You commit a material breach of any term of this Agreement and (if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within a period of 30 days after being notified in writing to do so;

13.4.2 You are deemed either unable to pay your debts or as having no reasonable prospect of so doing, in either case, within the meaning of section 268 of the IA 1986;

13.4.3 You die or, by reason of illness or incapacity (whether mental or physical), are incapable of managing your own affairs or become a patient under any mental health legislation; or

13.4.4 You do not use the Site or GCSE Teachers Service for a one (1) month long continuous period of inactivity, after we have served you written notice as set out above.

13.5 You have repeatedly breached any of the terms of this Agreement, we may immediately terminate this Agreement with you by serving written notice.

13.6 Either Party may terminate this Agreement for convenience without compensation by 30 days Written Notice on the other.

13.7 In the event of termination, You will be entitled to receive payment of Tutor Fees for all Tutoring Services already successfully delivered and which are not the subject of a Dispute as at the date of termination.

13.8 Termination or expiry of this Agreement shall not affect the rights or liabilities of either party accrued prior to and including the date of termination or expiry and/or any terms intended expressly or by implication to survive termination or expiry.

13.9 If we suspend this or terminate this Agreement with you, GCSE Teachers may deactivate Your GCSE Teachers Login and Account promptly.


14.1 As Tutor, You hereby warrant, represent and undertake to GCSE Teachers that:

14.1.1 You are at least eighteen (18) years of age and You have the necessary qualification or experience to provide the Tutoring Services in the subject(s) You offer in Your profile on the Site;

14.1.2 You are personally responsible for the information posted by You on the Site and submitted to GCSE Teachers which includes any pre contractual information, and which shall be accurate and up-to-date;

14.1.3 where Your profile claims that You have undergone a CRB/ DBS or enhanced CRB/ DBS check, You have done so, You shall continue to be covered by such checks throughout the term of this Agreement and You will provide us with a copy of such upon request;

14.1.4 You are self-employed and responsible for Your own income tax, national insurance and other liabilities payable and as further referred to in clause 6;

14.1.5 You are wholly responsible for the appropriateness and the content of any CONTENT used and/ or submitted by You during Your Term of Engagement;

14.1.6 You will comply with all the Tutor obligations set out at clause 4;

14.1.7 You will only ever contact a Client via the Site;

14.1.8 You agree at all times to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Legislation;

14.1.9 in providing or offering Your Tutoring Services via the Site and using the GCSE Teachers Services, You are complying with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice including, but not limited to, relevant legislation for the protection of businesses and consumers alike and which regulate the activities of the online environment;

14.1.10 You are not VAT registered and will not charge a Client VAT for Your Tutoring Services;

14.1.11 You have read, understood and familiarised yourself with our Safeguarding Policies and Procedures which can be accessed here in respect of child protection and online safety, and will fully comply with the same at all times;

14.1.12 You are not prevented from working with children and Your name does not appear in either of three lists of individuals who are barred from working with children (PoCA list) or with vulnerable adults (PoVA list and List 99).

14.2 You shall indemnify and hold harmless GCSE Teachers (and any GCSE Teachers Client as the case may be) on demand, and shall keep GCSE Teachers (and any GCSE Teachers Client) fully and effectively indemnified against any and all Losses arising out of or in connection with:

14.2.1 any breach of these Tutor Terms or breach of obligation or warranty by the Tutor or the acts or omissions of a Tutor (other than and to the extent that any losses arise directly from breach of these Tutor Terms by GCSE Teachers or by GCSE Teachers’s negligence); and

14.2.2 any and all claims, complaints or legal proceedings instigated by a Client against GCSE Teachers relating to the Tutoring Services.


15.1 You agree that subject to clause 15.3 and 15.4, We shall in no circumstances be liable to You in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any consequential, special or incidental loss or damage (whether direct or indirect) or any loss of profit, anticipated profits, business, data, opportunity, revenue, goodwill, or reputation arising from Your use of the Site or the GCSE Teachers Services.

15.2 Our liability to You whether in contract, tort or otherwise shall in no circumstances exceed the total GCSE Teachers Payments earned by GCSE Teachers in respect of Tutoring Services provided by You using the GCSE Teachers Service and Site in the twelve (12) months preceding the date on which such liability arose.

15.3 Nothing in the agreement limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including but not limited to liability for: 15.3.1 death or personal injury caused by negligence;
15.3.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and
15.3.3 breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (title and quiet possession).

15.4 Except as expressly set out in this Agreement, GCSE Teachers gives no warranties and excludes all other express or implied terms, conditions and warranties to the fullest extent permitted by law.


16.1 Negative feedback (rating of 1, 2 or 3 out of 5) reported to GCSE Teachers by Clients via the Site may be investigated.

16.2 The parties agree that they shall attempt in good faith to resolve any Dispute or claim promptly through negotiations between You and an officer of GCSE Teachers.

GCSE Teachers will use all reasonable endeavours to provide a written response via email to any issue raised by a Client or a Tutor via the Site within fourteen (14) days. GCSE Teachers reserves the right to inform a Tutor or a Client respectively of any Dispute raised against them and to provide them with a copy of any response provided by GCSE Teachers.

16.3 During the Term of Engagement, You must inform GCSE Teachers immediately if You become aware of any Dispute or potential Dispute between a Client and You and/ or GCSE Teachers in connection with the provision of the Tutoring Services.

16.4 You agree to cooperate fully with GCSE Teachers in resolving any Dispute with a Client.

16.5 GCSE Teachers reserves the right to suspend Your Account in accordance with clause 13.1 while an investigation is conducted.

16.6 Your Account may be reactivated once an investigation has been completed

16.7 In the event of a Dispute prior to receipt of Tutor Fees, GCSE Teachers reserve the right to withhold Tutor Fees in accordance with clause 7.3 until the Dispute has been resolved.

16.8 The outcome of any Dispute instigated by a Client is entirely at the discretion of GCSE Teachers (acting reasonably).


17.1 Assignment: You shall not, without the prior written consent of GCSE Teachers, assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of your rights or obligations under these Tutor Terms.

GCSE Teachers may at any time assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under these Tutor Terms.

17.2 Enforceability: If any one or more of the provisions of these Tutor Terms should be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired and the parties shall amend these Tutor Terms to add a new provision having an effect as near as legally permissible to the one held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable.

17.3 Entire Agreement: These Tutor Terms together with our Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy and the Terms of Service constitutes the entire agreement between You and GCSE Teachers in relation to Your use of the Site and the Services and supersedes any prior representations, inducements or agreements relating to its subject matter.

Each of the parties acknowledge and agree that in entering into the terms of this Agreement it does not rely on any undertaking, promise, assurance, statement, representation, warranty or understanding (whether in writing or not) of any person (whether party to this Agreement or not) relating to the subject matter of this Agreement other than as expressly set out in this Agreement.

17.4Status: The Tutor and GCSE Teachers are independent contractors, and no agency, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee or franchisor-franchisee relationship is intended or created and neither shall have any authority to bind the other in any way.

This Agreement constitutes a contract for the provision of services and not a contract of employment and accordingly the Tutor shall be fully responsible for any income tax, national insurance and social security contributions.

17.5 GCSE Teachers keep our Terms under regular review.

These terms were last updated in 10th April 2024.